Getting a quote for your insurance can be confusing, with so many questions to be answered, details can easily be left out. But forgetting to add your claims information or adding it incorrectly can be a costly business! We’re here to help you get to grips with what information you should be putting into your insurance quotes.
When taking up a policy, the insurance provider or price comparison site will ask if you, or any drivers named on the policy, have had any accidents, incidents or claims regardless of blame within the last 5 years.
It’s important to make sure that all the information you give about your claims history is accurate, if you’re unsure of costs or dates you can call your previous insurers to check what claims history they hold on file for you. Entering these details incorrectly could give you an inaccurate premium, or your policy could even be invalidated and any claims left unpaid, so it’s important to double check.
It’s much easier to get it right first time, so here are some tips on what should be included:
• Any accident or incidents, even if you didn’t make a claim:If you or a third party notified a previous insurer that an accident or incident occurred this would still be noted on the file even if no claims is made for damages. This is classed as a notification only and still needs to be provided to future insurers.
• If someone had a claim on your policy: If you have a policy in your name and include named drivers and they have an accident in your car, these still need to be included as the claim was made against your insurance policy. However, how you disclose these would depend on the new policy; if that same driver is on the policy, you can put this under their name. If they are not on the new policy, you would need to put this under your own name.
•If you have a named driver who also has named drivers on their own policy: If your named driver, has a named driver on their own policy who then has an accident, it will them count as a claim on your named driver’s insurance. If the named driver who has made the claim is also on your policy, you can put this under their name. If not, you’ll have to put in down under YOUR named driver’s name. Please see the example below.